Jan 22 2024
Only open to Boston University educators who are able to fulfil the goals of the DAC Fellowship program are eligible to apply.
The Center for Antiracist Research (CAR), the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and BU Diversity & Inclusion (BU D&I) have partnered to sponsor the Designing Antiracism Curricula (DAC) Fellowship Program. This Fellowship brings together a cohort of Boston University educators to develop or redesign undergraduate or graduate courses within their respective disciplines to thoughtfully engage antiracism curricula and pedagogical strategies (see Kishimoto, 2018, for a useful framework).
This fellowship program aims to:
* Create opportunities for faculty to design new courses or re-design existing courses that highlight and integrate antiracism frameworks, content, and perspectives
* Increase opportunities for students to engage with material that highlights antiracism frameworks and content
* Bring faculty together across disciplines and campuses to explore antiracism frameworks, discuss content for courses, and build a supportive teaching and learning community.
Contact: copelanp@bu.edu