Sep 27 2024
Sara Brandspigel 0 Like Post
Comments Off on Indian Health Service Injury and Violence Prevention (IVP) Fellowship
The IHS Injury and Violence Prevention (IVP) Fellowship provides practical knowledge and skills for IVP practitioners working in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. The IVP Fellowship builds on learning obtained from IHS IVP Courses 1, 2, and 3, and prior experiences of participants.
Benefits of completing the Fellowship
- Familiarity with published literature and data about an IVP issue
- Data collection and analysis
- Planning and managing an IVP project
- Promoting community and coalition involvement
- Effective IVP strategies
- Program evaluation
- Oral and written communication
- Developing and giving a scientific presentation
- Field work
- Individualized learning
Fellowship Projects
Projects can focus on unintentional injury or intentional violence in one of three project types: 1) Problem Analysis; 2) Program Planning; or 3) Program Evaluation.
Fellows complete four project phases (i.e., Planning, Implementation, Results, Deliverables) during which they
- Participate in synchronous and asynchronous distance-learning sessions
- Attend three in-person learning sessions requiring approximately 2.5 weeks away from their job sites
- Complete project tasks and submit interim deliverables
- Participate in scheduled progress checks
- Write a project report
- Present a summary of their project at the IHS IVP Fellowship Symposium
- Participate in an optional continuing education opportunity (e.g., attend a conference, enroll in a university-based course)
Application Process
Visit this link to see the application process steps, which includes
- Watch the required pre-application webinar
- Draft a Project Idea
- Submit a draft Project Idea and schedule a consultation with the fellowship academic advisor team and project mentor (must be completed by November 8, 2024)
- Revise the Project Idea
- Complete the online application between October 7 and December 11, 2024
- Apply: